Tips to Make the Most out of HubSpot Inbound 2024

4 minutes read
Manveen Kaur - 03.09.2024
Tips to Make the Most out of HubSpot Inbound 2024

Inbound Season is here!!

If you've read any of our previous blogs on HubSpot's Inbound, the fact that Six & Flow loves to fly all the way to Boston to attend Inbound won't surprise you!

Our folks have been attending HubSpot Inbound since 2015, and let me tell you, every year brings its own whirlwind of excitement and organised chaos. We’ve gathered some gems of wisdom over the years to help make your Inbound 2024 experience a wee less chaotic.

Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned attendee, there’s always a new insight or connection waiting just around the corner.

HubSpot Inbound 2024

HubSpot Inbound is the crème de la crème of events for marketing, sales, and customer experience professionals. Inbound 2024 promises an exhilarating lineup of sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities. With big names like Ryan Reynolds and Serena Williams gracing the stage, this is an event you won't want to miss. So, let's dive into how to make this unforgettable experience even better.


Download the Inbound App

The INBOUND mobile app is your ultimate event command centre, keeping you organised and informed throughout HubSpot Inbound 2024. With this powerful tool in your pocket, you can access your personalised schedule, navigate venue maps, and much more, ensuring you're always exactly where you need to be.

  • Curate Your Agenda: Build your own personal itinerary with ease. Tap on sessions to add them to your favourites and export them directly to your calendar, so you never miss a moment.
  • Save a Seat: For those high-demand sessions, the app lets you reserve your spot. Look for the "Save a seat" button on session cards, ensuring you're in the front row for all the action.
  • Networking Made Easy: The app's Community page is perfect for making connections. Engage in 1:1 chats, exchange contact information with a simple badge tap, and keep track of all your new connections.
  • Navigate with Ease: Whether you’re finding your way around the Boston Convention Exhibition Center or locating a sponsor booth, the app's interactive and static maps make it a breeze.


Plan Your Schedule Strategically

Inbound 2024 is bustling with sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities. To make the most of it, plan your schedule like a pro, and go through the Inbound 2024 Agenda beforehand. Prioritise sessions that align with your goals and interests. Remember to balance learning with networking – both are key to an enriching experience.

And don't forget the expo hall! Allocate time for breaks to explore and recharge. You never know what innovative solutions you might discover between sessions.

Engage With Speakers and Attendees

The beauty of Inbound 2024 is in the wealth of knowledge from speakers and attendees. Engage actively by asking questions during Q&A sessions and participating in discussions. Connect with speakers on social media too. This not only enhances your learning but sets the stage for potential collaborations.

Introduce yourself to fellow attendees. Whether during breaks or at structured networking sessions, these interactions can lead to meaningful professional relationships. Remember, making the first move at booths is a great way to kickstart conversations – the booth staff is there to engage with you!

Moreover, remember to keep an eye out for any events happening after main sessions - those are particularly great for connecting with partners, agencies, etc.

Leverage Networking Opportunities

Networking is a cornerstone of the Inbound experience. Dress confidently to stand out and feel empowered. It’s amazing how a bold outfit can boost your confidence and help you break the ice. Dive into meet-ups and embrace the awkwardness – everyone is there to connect!

Bring plenty of business cards and be ready with your elevator pitch. But remember, networking isn't just about collecting contacts; it's about building relationships. Follow up with new connections after the event to keep the conversation going.

Utilise HubSpot Tools and Resources

Prepare your HubSpot portal ahead of time. Start by reviewing existing hubs and features to optimise your setup. Clean up your database for a smooth experience – after all, a tidy database is the backbone of effective marketing and sales operations.

Take advantage of the hands-on sessions and demos at Inbound to see HubSpot's tools in action. These practical insights can be game-changers for implementing new strategies and improving workflows.

Follow Up and Implement Learnings

The real value of attending Inbound 2024 is in applying what you've learned. After the event, review your notes and pinpoint key takeaways. Create an action plan to implement these insights in your business processes. Follow up with contacts made during the event—send personalised emails to express gratitude and explore collaborations. By keeping the momentum going, you'll turn your Inbound experience into tangible growth for your business.


Reflect on your Inbound journey and stay updated with future HubSpot announcements. The lessons learned and connections made at Inbound 2024 could very well be the catalysts for your next wave of success. 


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