Inbound Marketing

4 top insider tips to growing your business

11 minutes read

As a marketing specialist, I've been leading Six & Flow's growth strategy team for several years...

Inbound Marketing Six & Flow

Andy's first month at Six & Flow

7 minutes read

That's right, I've just clocked up a whole month at the coal face of inbound marketing at marketing ...

HubSpot Inbound Marketing

Not all growth is good growth - and why you need to grow smart

7 minutes read

Growth is in our DNA; it’s one of our core values and it literally says it on the clothes we wear. B...

Inbound Marketing Sales Enablement

You can now embed video messages in HubSpot templates & sequences

3 minutes read

Thanks to the team at Vidyard, you can now embed videos directly into your HubSpot CRM templates and...

2019-09-16 04.16.33 1
Inbound Marketing Six & Flow

Andy's first week at Six & Flow

3 minutes read

Well, that's my first week in inbound marketing at Six & Flow finished. Did I enjoy it? Absolute...

2019-08-12 11.15.52 1 (1)
Inbound Marketing

My first week as a Marketing Intern at Six & Flow

2 minutes read

Week 1 completed in my new role as Marketing Intern and what a week it's been! Hi, I'm Kate, I am co...

Inbound Marketing

The outcome of a Six & Flow workshop? Real world, strategic freedom

4 minutes read

We are huge advocates of workshops at Six & Flow, and we run them before any new client comes on...

Ace your growth marketing strategy - Measure results in creative ways
HubSpot Inbound Marketing

A day in the life of a Growth Executive at Six & Flow

2 minutes read

What is a growth executive you ask? Here's a roundup of the things you can expect to get up to daily...

5 ways inbound leads will impress your sales team 2
Inbound Marketing

Six tips to up your Instagram engagement

2 minutes read

If you’ve noticed your Instagram likes take a hit, you’re not the only one… algorithm changes seem t...

Inbound Marketing

Six tips to make sure your email marketing is tip-top

7 minutes read

People keep saying email marketing is dead, but we’ve checked in and it’s still alive and kicking. I...

Lead generation works when you speak your buyer persona’s language.jpg
Inbound Marketing

Inbound lead generation works when you speak your persona's language

5 minutes read

At the risk of sounding a bit obvious, the language you use can affect how people see you and how th...

Five ways to get social media management totally wrong.png
Inbound Marketing

Five ways to get social media management totally wrong

3 minutes read

In today’s world, social media is an absolute necessity in any brand's inbound marketing strategy. B...

Five Content Marketing Lessons from Creative North
Inbound Marketing Six & Flow

Five Content Marketing Lessons from Creative North

6 minutes read

Last month, we attend Creative North, an exciting new conference for copywriters and content marketi...

Why social media marketing should get (info)graphic
Inbound Marketing

Three Things You Should Know About Social Media Marketing

2 minutes read

Social media marketing shouldn't just be a box-ticking exercise for your business. Contrary to popul...

Inbound Marketing

Can you Build an Inbound Marketing Campaign for Tinder?

9 minutes read

What does an inbound marketing campaign and Tinder have in common? Actually, more than you might thi...

Inbound Marketing Sales Enablement Conversational marketing

Changing trends in conversational marketing from HYPERGROWTH London

4 minutes read

What has Six & Flow been up to, you ask? Well, just last week our entire team trooped down to Lo...

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