Every sales environment has targets, but not all salespeople are able to track the process of reaching them. Silly, right? Luckily for me, HubSpot sales enablement tools provide the insight needed to engage, nurture and close the right prospects using the right channels. Let me tell you more.

So, what exactly is sales enablement?
Sales enablement is defined by HubSpot as technology, processes and content that empowers sales teams to sell efficiently at a higher velocity. For anyone who has worked in sales, past or present, the idea of a system that tracks and monitors everything together is music to your ears.
There are a number of moving parts within HubSpot's sales enablement, all with the aim of converting the most leads into clients while tracking the different buyer journey stages.
1. Lead sources give me insight
Firstly, you can manage leads coming in through their source - have they downloaded a blog, guide, asked for more information or have they come directly through a search function? Being able to track which content is converting prospects is invaluable for planning what to write next. After all, you need to know what your target market wants to engage with.
2. Sales sequences keep me organised
HubSpot has some really good tools to enhance sales enablement and save time. Using HubSpot's template and sequencing tools, you can edit emails to make them personable and targeted to the recipient without the hassle of rewriting the same thing time and time again. Sequences also take away the need for diary reminders to call or email people. Emails are sent automatically and you are given a reminder to call – so easy.

3. Content sharing helps me communicate
Content is so important when communicating with prospects. How many times do you get the same generic email that you delete before even reading? Using HubSpot's sales enablement tools, you can insert blogs, documents and case studies which blend into the text and are trackable. This adds personalisation to your email, while also sharing content you know will be of interest to your contact.
4. Sales pipelines keep my eyes on the prize
While the above is all super useful and really helps with tracking and engaging with leads, any sales person will have to agree their main focus is on your pipeline. HubSpot has a great tracking tool to see what stage your deal is at and the likelihood that it will come through – so you can really plan and put the right time into the deals most likely to close.
Using sales enablement in your sales team
Even if you're running a busy sales floor, HubSpot has plenty of helpful tools. You can analyse individual and team performance through the buyer’s journey, whether or not leads convert to a client. For example, if you're generating lots of leads in, achieving a high call volume and meeting ratio, but don't see the conversion rate you were hoping for, you can review the entire sales cycle and identify any weak points. With the right insight, you can identify what is and isn't working.and provide additional training and support to your team.
Oh, and another thing. HubSpot's sales enablement software gives you the tool for people to book meetings and calls with you, without the tedious task of going back and forth with diaries! Try it for yourself. Book a time here and I'll give you a call to talk more about sales enablement saving time and landing more deals!