The pandemic has affected everyone in different ways, positive and negative. Midway through this strange year and a bit we have found ourselves in I, like many, found myself facing redundancy. It was completely unexpected, out of the blue. Having enjoyed most of my time in the position that had now vanished, I was keen to take the time to find a company and a role that I truly believed was the right fit; that's where Six & Flow came in.

I was already aware of Six & Flow. I had been connected with our MD, Rich, for a little while on LinkedIn. One of our Growth Consultants, Andy, had also kindly brought the vacancies to my attention after seeing a post of mine on LinkedIn. The Customer Success Manager position immediately grabbed my attention. I know where my strengths lie, and the well-written job description struck me as a combination of building on my experience, but also taking on some exciting new challenges. The way Six & Flow handle themselves on social media also grabbed my attention. There's a lot to be said for that.
The hiring process
The recruitment process was thorough, more thorough than any I have faced in the past. I very quickly realised why though. It's well structured, and gives you the opportunity to meet several members of staff before stepping foot in the door. Our Ops Director, Sarah, was great with communication and feedback, and I quickly realised with each person I spoke to that this was going to be a good fit. Culture is a massive thing for me in the workplace, and the speed interview stage allows you to really get a feel for the agency and its people. Four stages of recruitment later, I was a member of the team!
Starting a job remotely
Starting a position remotely is a new one to me, as I'm sure it is for many. Six & Flow have a nicely structured onboarding period. This gives a chance to meet everyone remotely, as well as getting involved in various meetings from the get go. Everyone is extremely welcoming, and I was made to feel like part of the team straight away. Don't be a d*ck is a core value, and it certainly rings true.
The big challenge for me was getting to grips with our services, processes and terminology. Client-facing roles are second nature to me, but marketing was not. With the help of everyone across the business, as well as regular check-ins from Sarah and our Client Services Director, Barry, I now feel like I am well on my way to getting my knowledge to where it should be when it comes to all things marketing.
How things are now
The set-up at Six and Flow is in pods, I am part of pod Ludo. With each passing week I feel like we are working closer as a pod, and developing the way we work to make sure the clients we take on get everything they need in order for the agency/client relationship to be successful. I long for the day when we all get the chance to meet in person, and do that thing we all used to do; socialize! Hopefully we're not far away from that.