Hello all you lovely people, I’m Ryan, one of the new BDM’s here at Six & Flow which means that I’d be one of the first people you’d get to chat to for help or advice with your plans for growth (aren’t you lucky).
Life before Six & Flow
So how did I end up in this fantastic BDM position at a company like Six & Flow? Well after working for most of my adult life in the scrap metal industry, Covid-19 decided to crash the party, bringing the market to a standstill and therefore making me redundant (remember when we all used to call it coronavirus and the beer went really cheap? What a bright spot that was).
About 2 years ago, this resulted in an industry switch - I became a self-employed SaaS salesman. There are not many things that would have tempted me to move but when I saw the opportunity to apply for the role here at Six & Flow I couldn’t let it pass by.
The chance to interview for a vibrant agency that was growing quickly was too good to miss. Although, Then came the interviews…
The recruitment process and onboarding
Now don’t get me wrong, when you hear that there are 5 stages of interviews it definitely didn’t fill me with feelings of excitement and thrills but once you get to chat with who you’d be working with and hear the plans for the company then it definitely motivated me to give it my absolute all.
The first stage involved a short call with Marie who is the HR Manager at Six & Flow to just ensure that the experience that I had would align with what they were looking for. Following this, I had another call but this time with Charlotte who is now my line manager and Growth Director, this involved a bit more formal and took on a more traditional interview call - probing on my work history and skills which I felt confident I could deal with.
The next stage was a bit more daunting as it involved a discovery call role play with Simona from our partner HubSpot. I’m not usually one to be nervous but as I hadn’t too many years of experience in marketing, I found myself with a fair few butterflies. But, once we got into the call everything and my terrible patter kicked in everything was fine. The feedback following the end of the call was really constructive and luckily, I made it through.
The second to last part of the process was a presentation based on how I would approach the first few months of selling should I be successful. Leading up to this was, without doubt, one of the nerve-wracking parts of the process. But, it was pretty rewarding when Rich said I had his vote to start.
The only part remaining was the speed interviews that were finished off that afternoon - these were really helpful for me as you get a chance to chat informally to other members of the team to make sure it’s the right culture fit for everyone.
Overall, I took the view that anything you have to work this hard for must be worth it. I was proved right. A lot of companies preach about a culture to be proud of but Six & Flow definitely back that claim up.
Has It really been 1 month already?
Sat here now one month in, I can say that joining Six & Flow has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The support, trust and advice that they have given me in just the first few weeks have been a breath of fresh air. I have the drive to learn, grow and add as much value as possible.
I promise that I’m not just saying this as it’s going on the company page but I honestly can’t recommend Six & Flow enough to everyone. Whether you’re looking for a growth agency or a new opportunity - check us out!