I never had any intentions of changing roles mid-pandemic at the time because I'm not that sort of risk taker. However, after a bad day at work and a quick doom scroll on LinkedIn, I came across the Six & Flow advert for an Office Administrator role. The initial thing that caught my attention was how honest and open the job description was. It also got a laugh out of me so I was sold on applying!
Disclaimer: I did actually do a bit of research into the company first and by that I mean I spent a solid hour scrolling on their socials having a good nosey.

There were two main reasons that I wanted the Office Administrator role. The first was so I could go back to having variety in my day. I find I enjoy my work more when I've got a lot of different tasks on and I can create a structured plan for my day. That being said, the role of Office Administrator covers a lot of different aspects of agency life so the plan tends to go out of the window by lunch most of the time.
The second reason is that I wanted out of Burnley and it would give me the perfect excuse to move away and see some new scenery.
I found the 'speed-interviewing' process the most interesting, especially with remote working, as it enabled me to meet with people in the wider team and get their thoughts and opinions on Six & Flow. I think it was after my conversation with Barry I was fully sold on accepting the role because he helped put all my concerns of being a fish out of water to bed.
One of my main concerns when I accepted the role was remote onboarding to a really close-knit team. This worry was soon put to bed as part of the onboarding process was to have an introduction call with every person in Six & Flow. Although these calls can't replace the 'water-cooler' office environment, it was a great way to get stuck in and open up communication channels.
The first couple of weeks were a huge learning curve for me as I've never delved into the growth marketing world before so there was, and still is, a lot of learning and pressing buttons hoping for the best. Honestly, learning and development is one of the things I enjoy most about my role. I would recommend anyone who enjoys a challenge and learning to work in an agency or Six and Flow itself because we are currently hiring!
"The best thing about Six & Flow, in my opinion, is the people."
The best thing about Six & Flow, in my opinion, is the people. Everyone is so friendly and willing to put up with numerous stupid questions with a smile on their face. It's just a very refreshing atmosphere to be in, even if it is over Zoom for now.