offers a gallery of short, sweet and practical marketing examples. Written by Harry Dry, it offers concrete insight into marketing examples (surprise, surprise) and how they were done with the numbers to back it up.
Podcast: The Six Sessions
Guest: Harry Dry
Company: &
Key insights offered:
- Conversion is king
- Growing your email newsletter audience
- Understanding your audience
Watch the latest episode here:
Conversion is king
It’s easier to double your conversion rate than it is to double your traffic volume.
How? Offer quality content. Make it concise. Share the value immediately.
“A musician can do an album a year and they can build hype that way. They don’t try and pump out average stuff. People don’t get excited by that.” - Harry Dry
One thing shared broadly is better than multiple things that aren’t shared at all.
Don’t be afraid to iterate. Once you release a piece of copy, that doesn’t mean it can’t be updated down the road. Look at your data. Hone in on the copy and the offer.
Harry grew his newsletter from 0 to 85,000 subscribers in 2.5 years. To review how, we’re gonna take a page from Harry’s book. Familiar with that famous green underline? This time, it’s our take.

Growing your email newsletter audience
You need a newsletter. But, don’t just offer one for the sake of it. It needs to be of high quality.
If people are coming to your website and leaving without you capturing their email, you are losing valuable traffic. A newsletter helps you capture 5% of your traffic and pull them back in each week with new content.
To grow your newsletter, you need to put in the manual work upfront. Repurpose content with visuals. Share the value directly within the platform.
At the start of Harry’s journey, he was repurposing his content across 10 different channels each time.

Once you grow your newsletter enough, you can then begin leveraging your audience. Use referral links, share giveaways, create offers.
Understanding your audience
You need to repurpose content in ways that the platform’s audience consumes content.
The biggest tip we can give: People don’t click on links. Share the value right away. This is how you build organic traffic.
On Instagram, people consume content through video and imagery.
On Twitter, through threads and visual cues.
On Slack, by sharing the value directly in the text. If users need to click on the link to extract value, they won’t do it.
To close it off, we will share with you Harry’s favourite marketing campaign. Beware, it's cheesy, but a good one nonetheless.
Coca Cola marketing campaign
What? Share a Coke. A campaign where Coca Cola replaced their logo with people's names.
Why? People were encouraged to purchase the fountain drink for themselves, family members, friends, and colleagues.
How? By simply putting their name on it.
Insight learned: The best marketing is obvious in hindsight.
