Building Marketing Reports in HubSpot

7 minutes read
Manveen Kaur - 17.07.2024
Building Marketing Reports in HubSpot

Did you know that "highly data-driven organisations are 3X more likely to report significant improvement in decision-making"? Thanks for helping me build my case on reporting, data, and insights, Think with Google.

But with so many metrics available, how do you know which ones truly matter?

Effective marketing reports cut through the noise, focusing on the key metrics that drive growth and efficiency.

This blog will explore the most important marketing reports you can build on HubSpot to streamline your efforts and improve your results. By using well-structured marketing report templates and tracking crucial B2B marketing KPIs, you can make data work for you. Let’s dive into the reports that can transform your marketing strategy.


Marketing Reporting: Key Marketing Metrics

In B2B marketing, it’s vital to have the right marketing reports to make informed data-driven decisions for sustainable growth. Effective marketing reports make it easier to monitor key marketing metrics, allowing you to concentrate on what's important. Using these reports helps you find areas to improve, spot the most effective channels, and ultimately, improve your marketing strategies.

Here are the essential marketing reports you need for better decision-making:

A. Performance Analysis

Marketing Performance

  • This marketing report tracks the journey of your website visitors as they progress from sessions to contacts and ultimately become customers. By understanding this flow, you can identify bottlenecks in your funnel and areas where your conversion strategy might need improvement.

Engagement Score

  • Engagement scores help measure how actively your leads and customers interact with your content. High engagement often correlates with higher conversion rates, making this metric crucial for assessing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
    engagement report

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

  • CAC provides insight into the cost efficiency of your marketing campaigns. By calculating the total cost of acquiring a new customer, you can evaluate whether your marketing spend is delivering a good return on investment (ROI).

B. Audience Insights

Traffic Analytics: Source of Traffic by Persona

  • Knowing where your traffic comes from and which personas are driving allows you to allocate resources more effectively. This marketing report breaks down traffic sources by persona, helping you optimise channels that are most effective.
    source of traffic by persona


C. Lifecycle and Deal Metrics

Time Between Lifecycle Stages

  • This report measures the average time leads spend in each lifecycle stage, from awareness to consideration to decision. Shortening these transition times can accelerate your sales cycle and improve overall efficiency

time between lifecycle stages

Deals Won by Source

  • Understanding which sources contribute to your successful deals can help you prioritise and invest in those channels. This marketing report highlights where your high-quality leads are coming from, allowing you to double down on what works.


Centralising these marketing reports on a dashboard ensures that your marketing team has easy access to actionable insights, reducing the time spent on data analysis and freeing up resources to focus on strategic initiatives. Strategically identifying key marketing metrics for your marketing reports can simplify this process and ensure you’re always on top of your B2B marketing KPIs.

The Revops metrics you should start tracking


Understanding the Foundations of Marketing Reporting in HubSpot

HubSpot is a powerful tool for marketing reporting, providing valuable insights and data to support your business decisions. To effectively use HubSpot for marketing reporting, it is important to understand its foundations. This includes familiarising yourself with the various metrics and data points available, as well as understanding how to navigate and interpret the reports.

Marketing reporting in HubSpot involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and analysing data to measure the success of your marketing efforts. It allows you to gain insights into your audience, campaigns, and overall marketing performance. By understanding the foundations of marketing reporting in HubSpot, you can make informed decisions and optimise your marketing strategies.


Customising Your Marketing Reports for Maximum Insight

HubSpot offers a range of customisation options for your marketing reports, allowing you to tailor them to your specific needs and goals. By customising your reports, you can extract maximum insight and make data-driven decisions. Here are some tips for customising your HubSpot reports:

- Select relevant data: Choose the data points that are most relevant to your marketing goals and objectives. This could include key marketing metrics like leads generated, revenue generated, or campaign performance.

- Filter and segment data: Use filters and segmentation options to narrow down your data and focus on specific subsets of your audience or campaigns. This can help you identify trends and patterns that may not be apparent in the overall data.

- Visualise data: Utilise charts, graphs, and visual representations to present your data in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format. Visualisations can make it easier to identify trends and patterns at a glance.

- Schedule automated reports: Set up automated reports to be delivered to your inbox at regular intervals. This ensures that you have up-to-date data and insights without the need for manual reporting.

By customising your HubSpot reports, you can extract the specific insights you need to make informed decisions and drive your marketing strategies forward.


Integrating HubSpot Reports with Other Data Sources

To gain a comprehensive view of your marketing performance, it is beneficial to integrate your HubSpot reports with other data sources. This allows you to combine data from different platforms and sources, providing a more holistic understanding of your marketing efforts. Here are some ways to integrate HubSpot reports with other data sources:

- CRM integration: If you use a CRM system alongside HubSpot, integrate the two platforms to combine customer data and marketing data. This can provide valuable insights into the customer journey and help you optimise your marketing strategies.

- Google Analytics integration: Connect HubSpot with Google Analytics to access additional data about your website traffic, user behaviour, and conversions. By combining HubSpot data with Google Analytics data, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of your marketing performance.

- Social media integration: Integrate your social media platforms with HubSpot to track the performance of your social media campaigns. This integration can help you analyse engagement, reach, and conversions from your social media efforts.

By integrating HubSpot reports with other data sources, you can gain a deeper understanding of your marketing performance and make more informed decisions to drive your business forward.


Best Practices for Communicating and Utilising Report Insights

Once you have generated insightful marketing reports in HubSpot, it is important to effectively communicate and utilise the insights they provide. Here are some best practices for communicating and utilising report insights:

- Summarise key findings: Create a concise summary of the key findings from your marketing reports. This allows you to quickly communicate the most important insights to stakeholders and team members.

- Provide context and recommendations: When sharing report insights, provide context to help others understand the significance of the data. Additionally, offer recommendations based on the insights to guide decision-making and next steps.

- Schedule regular report reviews: Set a regular cadence for reviewing and discussing marketing reports. This ensures that insights are consistently incorporated into decision-making processes and that action plans are developed based on the data.

- Foster collaboration: Encourage collaboration and discussion around report insights. This can involve team meetings, brainstorming sessions, or cross-functional discussions to generate ideas and strategies based on the insights.

By following these best practices, you can effectively communicate report insights and ensure they are utilised to drive your business decisions and strategies.

Track the Right Metrics

Maximise revenue and sales today.

From demand generation to customer success, understand the metrics that impact your business. Learn the key metrics to track throughout your customer lifecycle.

Analyse these metrics for RevOps