So, week one down at Manchester-based growth agency Six & Flow, and I am getting to grips with the task in hand.
As Head of Operations I get asked all the time, what does that actually mean and what is it that I actually do? The truth is there’s no simple answer - it entirely depends on the company, the tools they have, the existing processes, the people and of course their vision and goals for the future.
So, in a nutshell, I work with ambitious business owners on anything from strategic planning to , operations, finance, project processes and people management. Does that answer your question? Probably not, told you it wasn’t simple.
In this case, as I’m working with a growth agency, I’ll be helping to cultivate efficient processes, amplify performance and nurture business growth. The clue’s in the name really.
People, passion and pride are my driving forces.
I believe that that if we empower teams by, allowing them to measure, learn and adapt their working, and if we adopt an agile mindset around trust, collaboration and ownership that supports and encourages a more effective way of working, then we as a collective will deliver value to our clients and ultimately create a sustainable business.
I am also big on celebrating collaboration and recognising that we must continually improve, explore and innovate, so I am often in search of new ways we can do this.
And I always encourage teamwork over individualism, often looking to create a work environment and atmosphere that rewards everyone, rather than an individual. Maybe that stems from the fact that I hate fighting (don’t confuse that with healthy debate) and that I am not at all competitive (unless it’s a game of Monopoly). Oh, and I am always the one that makes sure everyone is in a cab home before me, so I guess I’m an all round team player, and encouraging teamwork is my thing.
There is obviously a whole host of other things I do as part of my job at a growth agency around the actual ‘running’ of the business, including finance, legal, planning, reporting and, systems analysis. In fact, there are so many things I could write a book, but it’s sunny outside which doesn’t happen often in Manchester, so you will just have to wait for that one.