Tech Stack Updates and Product Releases - 16th October
Inbound Marketing

Tech Stack Updates and Product Releases - 16th October

3 minutes read

How much time a week do you allocate for your own learning and development? Here at Six & Flow w...

Inbound 2020: what's changed and what you need to know
HubSpot Inbound Marketing

Inbound 2020: what's changed and what you need to know

4 minutes read

This year, HubSpot’s famous Inbound conference was virtual for the first time ever. And although we ...

Inbound Marketing

Choosing the right CRM: HubSpot vs Salesforce

10 minutes read

If you’re currently considering between either a HubSpot or Salesforce CRM for your business, then y...

How inbound and conversational can improve sales and marketing alignment
Inbound Marketing Conversational marketing

Inbound and conversational can improve sales and marketing alignment

3 minutes read

With the right conversational strategy in place, you can significantly improve the efficiency, reach...

7 email marketing top tips to follow in 2020
Inbound Marketing

7 email marketing top tips to follow in 2020

7 minutes read

People keep saying email marketing is dead, but we've checked in and it's still alive and kicking. I...

The subtext of brand - what does your messaging say about you?
Inbound Marketing

The subtext of brand - what does your messaging say about you?

4 minutes read

Marketers are hard to control. We want to do things 'our way'. We hate edits. We hate vague feedback...

A framework for being human in your marketing
Inbound Marketing Conversational marketing

A framework for being human in your marketing

5 minutes read

Being human in your approach to marketing is important. People don't want to feel like they're being...

Inbound Marketing

How to make your content go further

4 minutes read

How long do you spend creating a great piece of content? As Marketers, we often spend a lot of our v...

Inbound Marketing customer experience

Why we should be focussing on brand building in 2020

7 minutes read

What does 'brand' mean to you? The term often means different things to different people and whether...

What role does your audience play in your brand storytelling?
Inbound Marketing customer experience

What role does your audience play in your brand storytelling?

5 minutes read

Whether you're more at home with Fight Club than Breakfast Club, chances are they've more in common ...

Inbound 2020
HubSpot Inbound Marketing

Inbound 2020: What's changed and which speakers you need to hear from

5 minutes read

Being a HubSpot diamond partner agency has its perks… one of them is having the chance to go to HubS...

Inbound Marketing

Tech Stack Updates and Product Releases - 21st August

1 minute read

Are you making full use of the tools and platforms in your tech stack? Or are you just using the top...

You've got to give the people what they want
Inbound Marketing

You've got to give the people what they want

6 minutes read

During COVID, I got a bit annoyed with the content that brands were putting out. Every day, I'd be s...

The ABCs of marketing ROI: square peg & a round hole?
Inbound Marketing

How can marketers leverage community in 2020

6 minutes read

So far, many people have spent 2020 sat at home bored, anxious and sometimes alone. The obvious resp...

The ABCs of marketing ROI: square peg & a round hole?
Inbound Marketing

The ABCs of marketing ROI: square peg & a round hole?

5 minutes read

Whether you're budgeting for next year's marketing activity or justifying this year's spend, it's li...

Using love and hate to grow in marketing
Inbound Marketing

Using love and hate to grow in marketing

6 minutes read

We all have things we like and things we don't. Something that doesn't appeal to you in the slightes...

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