Strategic Go-To-Market Blog | Six & Flow

Don't Neglect your Staff or your Startup Marketing Strategy

Written by Alice | 13 July 2016

Startups can rely on a few people doing a lot of work. With limited finances, it might be tempting to scale back your startup marketing strategy and adopt a DIY approach. Jeff might be a programmer by day, but there’s no reason he can’t knock out 10 blogs a month too, right?

However, being jack of all trades can be very stressful and isn’t always that productive. It’s pretty obvious that toxic working environments can have a negative effect on employee happiness. With the estimated business cost of mental ill health totalling £26 billion in the UK alone, it’s also clear that stressed out teams aren’t doing businesses any good either.

So maybe it’s worth working with an agency to manage your startup marketing strategy?

The iceberg effect

Healthcare insurer Westfield Health recently conducted the Mental Resilience Survey to mark Mental Health Awareness Week in May. It revealed that one third of UK employees feel their working environment is having a negative effect on their state of mind. On top of this, one in two feel that their workplace ‘does not manage mental health issues well’.

Westfield Health executive director, Dave Capper explains: “The findings show that when it comes to managing mental health in the workplace, employers face a much bigger problem than first appears.”

No company wants to face a ‘mental health iceberg’, especially a small business or startup where there is limited manpower already. Your talent is more integral to your business success, and any long term leave will lead to bigger repercussions. Not to mention, people generally work better and stay with companies longer when they’re happy and fulfilled.

Sharing the load

Of all the survey respondents, a majority of 63 per cent think that employers and employees should share the responsibility for managing mental resilience and mindfulness in the workplace.

Capper also argues: “It’s time for employers to put equal focus on managing mental health and physical health in the workplace.”

This can be done through a few simple steps. Here at Six & Flow, every employee benefits from free gym membership (hello endorphins!) and occasionally being talked into doing a team fun run, like the Manchester 10km earlier this year (FYI, it wasn’t a competition, but if it had been the girls would have won).

We also have regular one-to-ones where we can discuss any issues from the week. Not rocket science, right? However, these small efforts can make a big difference to your mojo.

Work life balance

It’s important that employees are happy both in and outside of work. Most importantly, they need to be able to have a healthy work-life balance.

Brian Dow, director of external affairs at Rethink Mental Illness, argues that work is often an important part of a person’s self-worth and sense of identity. Perhaps this is more so than usual in startups and small businesses, when employees are part of a close team.

Get support with your startup marketing strategy

Don’t worry, we’re not having a pop at you. We’re a startup marketing agency ourselves, so we understand how difficult it can be to find the perfect balance.

However, we’re big believers in embracing what you’re really good at. We might be wrong, but Dave from accounts probably isn’t the best person to put in charge of your social media presence. It’s not Dave’s fault – he’s an expert in balancing the books, not hashtagging your Instagram snaps.

By investing in the help of an agency, you can enjoy the benefits of a great startup marketing strategy with minimal stress and effort. Ask for help where you need it, and save your valuable time for what you do best.

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