Strategic Go-To-Market Blog | Six & Flow

People Silos: Optimising the First Pillar of RevOps

Written by Manveen Kaur | 27 May 2024

Did you know according to Clear Company “86% of employees and executives cite a lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures.” This staggering statistic highlights the pervasive issue of people silos, where departments operate in isolation, leading to communication breakdowns and inefficiencies. 

In this blog, we’ll explore how focusing on the first pillar of RevOps—people—can effectively break down these silos and create a more cohesive and collaborative work environment.


Understanding People Silos

People silos refer to divisions within an organisation where departments or groups operate in isolation from one another. This fragmentation can stem from various factors such as departmental goals, communication barriers, and organisational structure. In a siloed workplace, teams focus solely on their objectives without considering the broader organisational context. 

According to Investopedia, a silo mentality is a mindset present when certain departments or sectors do not wish to share information with others in the same company.

For instance, if a company introduces a new feature without consulting its hardware engineering team the new software feature could be incompatible with the existing hardware, leading to significant delays and additional costs. Furthermore, if the marketing team is unaware of the feature's release until the last minute, it could result in poorly coordinated promotional efforts. Customer support is also left out of the loop, causing confusion and dissatisfaction among customers seeking assistance with the new feature.

This is just one example of how silos can lead to inefficiencies, misaligned goals, and a fragmented customer experience. The lack of cross-departmental communication and collaboration will ultimately hamper the company’s ability to innovate and respond effectively to market demands.


Impact on Business

The presence of people silos can have detrimental effects on business operations. These include inefficiencies, miscommunications, reduced collaboration, and ultimately, a decline in overall performance. 

When teams operate independently, it leads to duplicated efforts, inconsistent messaging, and missed opportunities for synergy. 

Additionally, silos can create an "us vs. them" mentality, which erodes trust and morale among employees.


Causes of People Silos

People silos often develop due to structural and cultural barriers within an organisation. A common cause includes poorly defined roles and responsibilities, leading to confusion and territorial behaviour. Furthermore, performance metrics that reward individual or departmental success over collective achievement exacerbate silo formation. Rank silos, where management forms its leadership silo, can also contribute to the issue by withholding vital information from lower-level employees.



The Role of RevOps in Eliminating Silos Within People

RevOps, is a strategic approach that aims to align sales, marketing, and customer success teams within an organisation. RevOps fosters a unified and collaborative environment by breaking down traditional departmental barriers. 

The people pillar is the most important among the foundational pillars of RevOps—people, processes, data, and technology. The people in your organisation are the agents of change, innovation, and execution. While different companies can have the same technologies and processes, it’s their workforce that distinguishes them. 

Focusing on people involves ensuring that team members across different departments are aligned, motivated, and equipped with the necessary skills to collaborate effectively. By prioritising people, organisations can cultivate a culture of cooperation and shared goals. This alignment is critical for eliminating silos, as it encourages open communication and collective problem-solving.


Core Objectives

Improving Collaboration

One of the primary goals of RevOps is to enhance collaboration among teams. By fostering cross-departmental partnerships, organisations can leverage diverse perspectives and expertise. Collaborative efforts lead to more innovative solutions and better decision-making. For example, regular interdepartmental meetings and joint projects can help break down barriers and encourage knowledge sharing.

Aligning Teams

RevOps ensures that all teams are working towards common objectives. This alignment is achieved by creating shared goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) that reflect the organisation's overall mission. When teams are aligned, there is a clearer understanding of how individual contributions impact the larger organizational goals. This clarity helps reduce conflicts and encourages a more cohesive work environment

Enhancing Communication

Effective communication is at the heart of RevOps. By implementing transparent communication channels, organisations can ensure that information flows seamlessly between departments. Tools such as collaborative platforms, regular updates, and feedback loops help maintain open lines of communication. Enhanced communication not only prevents misunderstandings but also builds trust among team members.


Strategies to Address People Silos

Cross-Departmental Collaboration

Encouraging cross-departmental collaboration is a crucial strategy for breaking down silos within an organisation. By promoting initiatives that foster teamwork across different departments, companies can leverage diverse perspectives and expertise to achieve more innovative solutions.


  • Interdepartmental Projects: Create projects that require the participation of multiple departments. For example, a new product launch could involve the marketing, sales, and product development teams working together from the start.
  • Joint Workshops and Training: Organise workshops and training sessions that include employees from various departments. This approach not only builds skills but also fosters mutual understanding and respect among team members.
  • Cross-Functional Teams: Form cross-functional teams for specific tasks or projects. These teams should have representatives from all relevant departments to ensure a holistic approach to problem-solving and decision-making.

Unified Goals and Metrics

Establishing shared goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) across all teams ensures that everyone within the organisation is working towards the same objectives. Unified goals help align departmental efforts and reduce the potential for conflicting priorities.


  • Integrated Performance Reviews: Develop performance review processes that consider contributions to cross-departmental goals. Recognise and reward employees who excel in collaborative efforts.
  • Regular Alignment Meetings: Hold regular meetings where leadership from various departments reviews progress on shared goals. This practice ensures continuous alignment and provides opportunities to address any misalignments promptly.

Transparent Communication Channels

Implementing systems and tools that facilitate open and transparent communication is essential for reducing silos and enhancing collaboration. Transparent communication channels ensure that information flows freely among team members, fostering trust and improving decision-making.


  • Unified Communication Platforms: Use platforms like Slack, to create centralised spaces for communication. These tools should enable real-time messaging, file sharing, and project management. Slack offers channels that allow teams to organize conversations by topic, project, or department. This structure makes it easier for employees to find relevant information and stay updated on ongoing projects.
  • Open Forums and Q&A Sessions: Hold regular open forums and Q&A sessions where employees can discuss their ideas, concerns, and feedback with the leadership team.
  • Transparent Reporting: Create dashboards and reports that are accessible to all team members, showing the organisation's progress towards its goals. HubSpot reporting is quite efficient in creating consolidated dashboards providing clear and transparent visibility of the entire customer journey.
  • Employee surveys: Conduct anonymous employee surveys to collect honest feedback. This will give team members the opportunity to share their opinions and challenges, leading to more genuine and constructive insights that can help improve communication and overall organisational culture.


Building a RevOps Culture

Building a RevOps culture within an organisation starts with leadership buy-in. It's essential for top management to be fully committed to driving cultural change and setting the tone for the rest of the organisation. Leaders must actively promote the principles of Revenue Operations and demonstrate their commitment through actions and policies. 

In parallel, investing in training and development is crucial. Providing employees with the necessary skills for effective collaboration and communication ensures that they can work together seamlessly across departments. Training programs should focus on both technical skills and soft skills, such as teamwork and conflict resolution. 

Additionally, celebrating successes is vital for reinforcing positive behaviour. Recognising and celebrating milestones and achievements in breaking down silos not only boosts morale but also encourages continued efforts towards fostering a collaborative culture. 

By emphasising leadership commitment, investing in employee development, and celebrating collective achievements, organisations can successfully build and sustain a RevOps culture.