GDPR data protection isn't actually the nightmare some people might be expecting. In fact, it will most likely lead to happier consumers. However, reaching this point could require a bit of soul searching for many companies. Have I caught your interest?
Using consumer data: The good, the bad and the ugly
A couple of weeks ago I saw a viral tweet, saying something along the lines of: "Yesss Spotify, discover weekly is beautiful, you know me so well!" I am happy to partake in this use of my data, as it results in a nice new playlist of undiscovered artists and hidden gems I would never normally listen to. There will be a few instantly skipped songs in there, of course, but there might also be a song that makes us wonder how we got anywhere in life without it. This is an example of machine learning that we love.
Next up, I have a certain footwear brand following me around the internet, covering the banners of any website that offers advertising. Now, I am sat on the fence in regards to this. I like the brand, have bought from them and will do so again. I subscribe to their email newsletter and actually open it, click links and scroll through the website. While I don't mind their advertisements because I am brand loyal, the problem is that with them popping up everywhere, it can make me feel like I'm being cyber stalked.
Finally, lets address those nuisance emails and calls from companies I have nothing to do with. Like many, this is where the line is firmly drawn for me. This blanket approach to marketing is rarely relevant to anyone. I don't want these companies to have my information, and don't want to receive calls and emails about things I don't care about. In short, it's a no from me. Luckily though, while this has been a big part of marketing for many years, this cold abuse of data is coming to an abrupt and systematic stop.

After GDPR data protection will change forever
The message that I want to get across is that after GDPR data protection is going to improve for the consumer. Your data and habits will be better protected from companies you don't care about, and you will be better equipped to choose what kind of content you receive. At last, an opportunity for some peace and quiet away from nuisance calls about car accidents that weren't your fault!
For the marketing or sales person, GDPR poses an opportunity to change certain ingrained ways of thinking, and really give audiences something that offers genuine value. Use this time to concentrate on generating quality content, solving persona problems and engaging a relevant audience, so that when you ask them to stay on board with your marketing, they actually want to.
As you're on the Six & Flow blog reading this, you obviously know I work for a marketing agency. I'm also one of those stubborn people who loves creative marketing (any Guinness TV advert) but hates the idea of being manipulated (clickbait offers) It's tricky I know.
Luckily, I work for an inbound agency. We don't create content to disrupt or manipulate consumers. Instead, we produce content that aims to solve specific problems, and strive to get it in the right place for consumers' online browsing habits. As a result, when we approach our lovely contacts before the 25th May and respectfully ask them to stay in touch, we hope they wouldn't dream of unsubscribing! Some might though, and that's ok.
The really important thing is that consumers will most likely benefit from a better experience with brands as a whole. And won't this be a win-win situation really? A happy lead is a healthy lead (I don't think this is really a saying, but it should be)
If GDPR data protection is still making you nervous, contact Six & Flow. We can help to explain how marketing will need to change, who you should be approaching and what you need to prepare.