Strategic Go-To-Market Blog | Six & Flow

10 reasons you should consider a conversational marketing strategy

Written by Duncan | 18 March 2019

Wondering why brands of all shapes and sizes are desperate after a conversational marketing strategy? Don't worry, we've got your back. Read on to discover the reasons behind this explosion in popularity. Business communications have never been so clever!

1. It works in real-time

Instant messaging means you no longer have to force people to fill out forms and wait for follow-ups. Instead, people hear back from your brand as soon as they reach out, building an instant connection and capturing the attention of active leads. Good for them, and good for you.


2. It's scalable

No one can juggle three phone calls at the same time, but conversational marketing platforms allow users to multitask. Even small teams can have one-to-one conversations at scale and qualify leads efficiently.


3. It's focused

Prospects land on your website with a purpose in mind, and engage with conversational marketing platforms to find answers to their questions. Inbound and outbound tactics can therefore be used to start quality conversations, collect valuable data and enhance the sales process.


4. It's personalised

Even before a conversation starts, you can personalise the experience and tailor your messages to suit specific leads. An individual's browsing behaviour on your website is a treasure map of clues.


5. It's consistent

Conversational marketing platforms are simple to manage by whoever, wherever, whenever. Our team talks to leads through an app on their phone, so they can provide the same great service whether they're in the office, travelling to a meeting or waiting in line for their coffee.


6. It has a built-in feedback loop

Conversations give you insights you can't get anywhere else, with people giving almost-instant feedback on the quality of your lead journey. If they don't understand something, they can ask questions there and then, rather than leaving your website in confusion or reporting back long after they experience the issue. 


7. It can come with a built-in backup

Your employees need sleep, so it's likely that live chat won't be available 24 hours a day. However, chatbots can be built to perform basic conversational marketing functions during office downtime. As a result, simple issues can be resolved without human intervention, and calls can be scheduled to resolve more complex issues when convenient.


8. It can record consent to meet GDPR

GDPR requires leads that give express permission to brands before personal data is collected. Conversational marketing can provide a great way to acquire and record this consent without having to resort to form filling and box ticking.


9. It suits the way people want to communicate today

In a world of WhatsApp groups and Slack channels, many individuals are used to communicating through online chat, and may even prefer it to more traditional methods. It's quick, convenient and easy to access on the go. It makes sense to offer your prospects the same benefits when it comes to approaching your brand.


10. It's becoming the standard for leading businesses

As a result of all these benefits, live chat technologies have been introduced by brands from various sectors. In fact, 8 in 10 companies have already adopted them or are planning to do so by 2020, according to Oracle.


So now you know how important it is to implement a conversational marketing strategy across your business. But how on earth do you go about the task? Get in touch for actionable advice and expert support.